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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 430am  FOX  March 6, 2020 4:30am-5:00am PST

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>> from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. >> good morning, to you. thank you, for joining us. welcome to mornings on 2. it's friday morning. it's march 6th. and, i'm dave clark. >> and, i'm claudine wong. steve paulson is in for us giving us the forecast. >> it looks like tomorrow morning maybe even late tonight some rain should make it here again and then early next week. that one would be from the west southwest here. two systems over the next three to five days. a lot of high clouds underneath that. a big fog bank came roaring in and it came right back yesterday. and the wind cranked up for some if you're in one of those wind-prone areas during the summertime. the system will drop in and that will give us cloudy skies and temps actually below average. not something we said very much of in the last month and a half. asal's here now and he will start with... >> well, we're looking at the bay bridge and i like what i
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see if you have to get to san francisco you're going to like looking at the bay bridge toll plaza that i can show you. traffic is moving well here. there have been no major issues on interstate 880 and as a matter of fact the east bay commute is off to a good start. 4:31. let's go back to the desk. >> we should know sometime today whether anyone off the coast of california on a cruise ship has tested positive for the coronavirus. a lab in richmond is processing the test results of 45 passengers and crew members on the grand princess cruise ship. now, after the results come back, the cdc and the state of california will decide where that ship should be allowed to dock. a california coast, the lab in richmond is processing those tests of 45 passengers and crew members. and, again, after the test results come back, they may be allowed to dock off the coast
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of california. san francisco is one possibility. right now there are now more than 200 cases of coronavirus in 18 states. doug luzader's in washington now. he has the latest on what lawmakers are doing. >> congress has now cleared the way for more than $8 billion in funding to combat the coronavirus. meantime, states are struggling to contain it. >> a national guard helicopter approaches the grand princess cruise ship off the coast of california now stuck at sea. crew members lower coronavirus test kits and several who had recently traveled on board con trat tracted the virus and several members of crew are shoiing symptoms. >> the president gave his administration high marks. but the virus continues to spread. >> a few hours ago, maryland's state public health laboratory confirmed the first positive
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cases of coronavirus in maryland. >> maryland, one of the latest states to report the virus and there are questions this morning about how deadly the illness really is. a u.s. official suggested the death rate could be far lower than initial estimates of more than 3%. >> on this vote the yays are 96, the anyways are 1. >> a stamp of approval to a massive $8.3 billion virus response package. and, about a mile and a half from the capital a sign of growing concern. a pop up coronavirus store selling everything from face masks to hand sanitizer. >> when we first found out, we wouldn't leave without a face mask. so i literally would be buying so many face masks. >> even the u.s. surgeon general is telling people not to buy face masks saying most people don't need one and it makes it difficult for health
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providers to get one. there ababout three dozen coronavirus cases in the bay area. one involves a 90-year-old man hospitalized in serious condition. the other patient is a woman who is in her 40s in fair condition. she has a child that attends lowell high school. while the student has no symptoms, the school is closed now and should re-open next week. seven police officers from sunnyvale now quarantined at home because they may have been exposed to the coronavirus. the police department says the decision to isolate them was made yesterday after they performed cpr on a 72-year-old man who was dying. investigators later found out that same man had recently been on a cruise. . >> while obtaining the patient's medical history, a family member advised us that the patient had recently been on a cruise where two other passengers were suspected of having covid-19. >> now, it still hasn't been
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determined if the man had the coronavirus. the sunnyvale department of public safety says the decision to quarantine the officers was made out of an abundance of caution. those believed officers are expected to return to work soon. dow futures were down 240 points overnight about the coronavirus outbreak. those fears cause the dow to plunge 1000 points yesterday on wall street. the nasdaq was down 2,179 points and the s&p 500 dropped 73 points. the giant retail chain rose more than 3% last month. and, that was due mostly to nervous shoppers stocking up on home cleaning supplies, toilet paper foods and other items. >> sfo taking new precautions now aimed at taking precautions. a three month supply of a
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disinfectant that's designed to kill the virus. also, the airport has added 6 teen hand sanitizing stations. bart also taking new safety measures trying to keep riders safe and healthy. bart says its cleaning crews have reduced their treatments around the bay area. at transit, vta and other public transit agencies are doing everything to keep clean. three people who recently visited the san bruno senior center were passengers on board the grand princess cruise ship last month. that ship has been banned to docking in san francisco. the senior center is expected to re-open on tuesday. the floortor yum is making changes to protect its better.
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the exploretor yum is also closing its tactile visit experience. and, we hope you can join us today for continuing coverage of the coronavirus. every weekday starting at 10:00 a.m. medical experts are going to address your concerns about the outbreak. starts at 10:00 a.m. on and on facebook. happening today, president trump will be in tennessee. he'll be touring the tornado damage left behind after two tornados hit the nashville area earlier this week. now, the details about the president's visit, we don't know yet. but he's expected to meet with the governor and meet with some of the tornado victims. 24 people were killed when those tornados hit tuesday morning. hundreds of homes and buildings were either damaged or destroyed. >> the house shifted one way and literally exploded and jerked me out of my wife and kids hands. >> we continue to ask for
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prayer in the community especially for families that will be burrying there are loved ones. >> taylor swift who's from nashville will be donated $1 million for tornado relief efforts and she encouraged others to do the same. a leading voice on gun violence prevention will join the golden state warriors for a peace walk. gabby giffort was shot in the head back in 2011. warriors star klay thompson, steph curry, and draymond green will also take part in the walk this afternoon. a san francisco supervisor wants the city to remove billboards about drug overdoses that's meant to promote narcan training. this bill on 7th street between brandon and bryant sends the
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wrong message. the billboard reads quote try not to do it alone. the city funds should not be used for this purpose and the billboard should be taken down. our time is 4:39. let's check in with sal. see what's happening on our commute. sal, how does it look now. >> it looks all right. we're off to a nice start. i don't see a lot of traffic at the altamonte pass. but it's a friday so we might be a little lighter than usual. you can see there's a little bit on 580 but nothing on 205 just yet. and that may change. but, right now, it looks good. it continues to look good to castro valley. and 880 traffic still looking for good in both directions in oakland and at the bay bridge we have light commutes. we have light commutes in marin and also the bay bridge as well. >> we'll get right to it here. a lot of cloud cover.
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our dry stretch continues. this could be day 38. i didn't pencil that at the end. it's possible we get some drizzle late tonight. it's 37 days and counting and it looks like this will end tomorrow. all signs point towards that and that would be the fourth longest. not a record. the record is 43 set twice. the record for san jose is 54 dry days set in 1933 and 1934. while it's in the top 5, these are not records. can we get some rain in here? sure looks like it. we'll take anything we can get. then watch what happens towards monterey. it does look like we're going into a wetter pattern for some. what about the sierra? it ramped up the totals. that would be on saturday into sunday. temperatures, though, they started their trend down
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yesterday. they'll continue to drop off today. the city 58. wind is out of the south or the west. 50s on the temps. a couple of 40s but not very many. everyone else is in the 50s and our system is going from our pattern from warm to cool in two days. cooler temps take over. cooler this weekend and then it looks like the possible again maybe on sunday night monday into tuesday. and the cooling will take us into saturday. and end this dry stretch and then we keep cloud cover in with the possibility of rain again monday and tuesday. bay area nurses say hospitals in bay area are not prepared for an influx of coronavirus patients.
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>> also, we'll tell you about the latest legislation being proposed to protect california employees affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
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they're trying to close several of its facilities across california. nurses in san francisco a that local hospitals are not ready to handle a coronavirus out breakoutbreak. >> zuckerberg general hospital is the only center in the city. some worry the hospital is not ready for a coronavirus epidemic. >> we are ill prepared. >> she said she hasn't received nearly enough instruction on how she should handle an influx of coronavirus patients. >> we need to know beginning to end algorithms. this is what they're going to go.
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this is what we're going to do. >> and she says she hasn't been told even basic information. >> i cannot tell you where our emergency disaster supplies are in our department. >> before taking their concerns to the of supervisor's general audit and oversight community. >> if i haven't been trained in months or years on my personal protect ant equipment, on decontamination, on any of these things, i can't focus on the care. >> the nurses say the hospital needs to increase staffing levels and, that it takes on average seven months to hire a nurse. >> so if we get into a situation where people have to sell quarantine and it takes seven to eight months to hire someone we're going to be in an ultra crisis mode. today we're not ready for this crisis. >> the nurses say san francisco is not alone. the union national nurses united rallied in oakland complaining that a national
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survey showed many hospitals have no plans for an outbreak or safety standards to protect health care workers. in san francisco, mayor london breed issued a statement saying quote our health care system is prepared to deliver care to everyone in need and provide a coordinated response if additional cases of coronavirus are confirmed. >> they hope that change comes and comes quickly. in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. a private preschool in san jose will be closed until monday after a teacher tested positive for the krierdz. officials said the action day primaries plus school announced the closure yesterday. the school's campus is undergoing a deep cleaning one week after that infected teacher was sent home. >> she had not been at our facility since february 26th when she started to show
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symptoms of illness. she was sent home right away that day. >> now, deep cleaning may be just the first step for schools. many are now looking for disinfectants that are strong enough to kill the coronavirus. gyms are also taking extra measures to protect people from getting sick while working out. the equipment makes a breeding ground. most chains like crunch fitness already have hand sanitizers and wipes. >> we typically clean morning and evening zone by zone throughout the club. we use an anti-viral disinfectant. we mop the floors using the same anti-viral disinfectant. >> some gyms have sent their members e-mails to use safe practices. they are urging people to stay home if they are sick. the lawrence livermore lab
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sent 25 of their employees home. a spokes person for the lab says the lab employee had been exposed to a coronavirus patient and the building where they work has to be disinfected. employees were told they can work remotely from home. now, after the outbreak, new legislation's being introduced here in california that would protect workers when they take leave during public health emergencies. state assembly woman lore in a lorena gonzalez says an employee will be able to use their sick leave if their work place is closeded or if they're providing care to a child whose school or day care was closed because of an emergency. a protest at sprout plaza yesterday drew a crowd in santa cruz. after asking for a cost of living adjustment. they want u.c.
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administrators to refrain from retaliating against students. . >> the demand here today is for a cost of living adjustment across the u.c. system which is the bare minimum that the u.c. should provide us with. >> ucla grad students say they're ready to strike if they do not get a raise. >> people must have listened to you. >> eia. right. >> traffic is doing well so far. gilroy. morgan hill. we'll just give credit to dave. did you know that. >> what about me. >> you know claudine you're no slouch even. that's a long way of saying it. it is off to a good start on friday northbound. all the way up to highway 17.
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880 is looking good. hopefully this will continue on friday. sometimes we do have lighter than usual conditions. we'll know in about a half hour or so. what about today's weather you ask. that's a good question. >> that is an excellent question. >> it will be cooler. much cooler here and maybe we can get some rain in here. sure looked like it from a system that's on its way and the projections are continuing to hold. cut back a tiny bit. but by into sunday. 16 in san francisco. concord 17 and san jose 18. we'll declare victory and stop this non sense of all these dry days. then, possibility next week of some pretty good rain coming in from the south southwest. something to watch. what about the snow for the sierra. last weekend was an overachiever and, guess what, forecast models are saying you know what, we'll bring this back in. 3 to 7. that would be
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saturday. temperatures for us locally going down. upper 50s now in low 60s slightly below average. that's a rarity in the last month and a half. and, for us, there's higher clouds and lower clouds. the wind is on shore as well. that's south out of the west southwest. that continues and temperatures mainly 50s. couple of upper 40s. maybe 50s. and maybe a little drizzle is possible tonight. the system coming in for tomorrow will be right there. i know it's not a lot. then, watch the low coming down. it will park it right off the west southwest. and then, it will rotate in. look at these bands rotating in. if you're up in santa rosa, napa it's probably not going to be much in the event. gilroy, down to monterey. this looks good also central california and down into los angeles. 50s and 60s that's it.
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we've gone from 70s and 80s two days ago now. 50s and 60s. cloudy with light rain saturday. we'll bring more rain back on monday and tuesday. >> and, just a reminder. make sure you download the ktvu weather app. it has hourly updates and the 7- day forecast and an easy way to download photos and videos. time is now 4:53. a cruise ship with thousands of people on it is stranded off the california coast. waiting for permission to dock here in the bay area. still ahead... the coronavirus test kits delivered by helicopter. when we expect those results. >> plus... controversy over an arrest at a san francisco courthouse. why the district attorney says that puts the public in danger. but, first... cutting through the red tape.
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the new approval in the south bay aimed at building affordable housing faster.
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welcome back to mornings on 2. it's now 4:56. an apartment building in the south bay has a grand opening today. it's an 83-unit housing development. it helps people transition from being homeless to permanent housing.
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it also provides services. san jose mayor sam licardo will be there at the ribbon cutting. meantime, san jose is showing off another solution in the homeless crisis. san jose's first preapproved granny unit. they're small preapproved fabricated home designed to be installed in back yards across the south bay. >> to make it easy for homeowners, last year we permitted 416 back yard homes. that is more than we permitted in the prior five years combined. >> now, the city program streamlines the permit and construction process. these back yard homes ha have one bedroom, they're about 495 to 640 square feet. time is 4:57 one of the south bay's oldest tourist
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attractions is getting the lego treatment. a miniature replica of san jose's winchester house was available at lego land discovery bay area. the model is made up of 7500 individual lego pieces built over eight days by a team of three experts in lego s. the league i would builder says it's an exact replica. >> i hope that everyone who's seen this, i hope they come visit and see the real thing. >> now, the winchester mystery house beat out other bay area
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landmarks. if you watch ktvu from an over the air. many local tv stations around the country are moving to new frequencies. so any time after monday at 10 10:00 a.m., make sure you rescan your television so the antenna can find all of the off air channels like ktvu. if you watch us on cable or satellite or smart tv apps, you don't have to do anything. we've posted more information on our website . 35 have flu-like symptoms during the course of this 15- day cruise. >> thousands of people stranded on a cruise ship off the coast of northern california waiting for test results for possible coronavirus infections. meantime, there are more cases
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popping up here in the bay area. >> today, we are announcing the first two cases of kierz in our city. >> what bay area leaders and federal lawmakers are now doing to control the outbreak after another person dies from the virus in washington state. >> from ktvu fox 2 news, this is mornings on 2. >> and, good morning to you. welcome to mornings on 2 on this friday march 6th. thanks for waking up with us. i'm claudine wong, in for pam cook. >> and, i'm dave clark. steve paulson is feeling the cooler weather. >> we went from 81 to 60 today. it looks like it's going to bring us some rain. maybe some drizzle l tonight but more likely tomorrow morning. ending this dry stretch. i know it's on a saturday, but, at this point, we need any rain


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